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About the conference
The International Year of Chemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences

About Lomonosov
SGT Meeting
Organising Committee
Conference Proceedings

The International Conference on the Chemistry of Glasses and Glass-Forming Melts in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov will be held in Oxford at Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford on September 4th-8th 2011.

The year 2011 has been designated The International Year of Chemistry, partly due to the celebration of Mikhail V. Lomonosov’s anniversary.

The International Conference on the Chemistry of Glasses and Glass-Forming Melts is linked with the celebrations being organised in Russia by the Lomonosov Commission of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Topics To be Discussed
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Chemical Aspects of Glass Structure
Chemical Nanoheterogeneity in Single-Phase Multi-Component Glasses
Thermodynamics of Glasses and Glass-Forming Melts
Optical Basicity
Phase Separation and Crystallisation
Porous Glasses
Coloured Glasses
Rare Earth and Transition Metals in Glasses
Industrial Glass Chemistry
Batch Reactions and Glass Formation
Ancient Glass Compositions
Chemical Analysis of Glasses
Chemical Durability and Crizzling
Corrosion of Glass Surfaces
Water in Glass
Gases in Glass
Waste Vitrification Chemistry

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The great Russian scholar Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov made major contributions to science, the humanities and the fine arts. A fisherman’s son from a small village in Northern Russia, he began his education only at the age of 19, at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow, and finished it at the University of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, and in Germany, first at the University of Marburg and then in Freiburg, where he studied chemistry and metallurgy.
Lomonosov’s scientific career began in 1742, when he was 31. Although he worked for only 24 years before his untimely death, he was successful in many different fields, including chemistry, physics (mechanics, optics and electricity), mineralogy, metallurgy, mining, geography, geophysics, astronomy, social science (demography and education), philosophy, fine arts and Russian history, language and poetry. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences (1761), the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg (1763) and the Bologna Academy of Sciences (1764).
Lomonosov was particularly interested in glass colour. He understood the importance of quantitative measurement and of the necessity to perform systematic investigations under similar conditions (temperature, atmosphere, melting time, etc.), and was the first to use a microscope in glass studies. He worked on glass for 17 years and in one period of 3½ years melted 2184 glass batches (~2 per day!). His main goal was to investigate the influence of glass composition on properties and to prepare glasses with specific properties. He produced more shades of colour (including gold ruby glass) than were then known in Europe, and introduced zinc, mercury and bismuth into glasses 130 years before Otto Schott. Lomonosov may thus be considered the father of glass chemistry, and scientific glassmaking, and was also the founder of physical chemistry and scientific geology. Using his knowledge of coloured glasses, he personally created mosaic pictures that can still be seen in St. Petersburg.


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Second Announcement and Call for Papers: September 2010.
Abstract deadline: 28th February 2011.
Early-Bird Registration deadline: July 1st 2011.

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This year the Society of Glass Technology's Annual Meeting will be incorporated into this conference.

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Chair:Adrian C. Wright (UK)
Co Chair:Natalia M. Vedishcheva (Russia)
Reinhard Conradt (Germany)
Giuseppe Dalba (Italy)
Yanko B. Dimitriev (Bulgaria)
Doris Ehrt (Germany)
Diane Holland (UK)
Stuart Jamieson (UK)
Kaj Karlsson (Finland)
Dedo von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk (Germany)
George Kordas (Greece)
James Marra (USA)
David Martlew (UK)
Tatiana M. Moiseeva (Russia)
John M. Parker (UK)
L. David Pye (USA)
Caroline M. Jackson (UK)

After refereeing, papers will be published in the European Journal of Glass Science and Technology part A (Glass technology) or B (Physics and Chemistry of Glasses). The registration fee includes a memory stick with pdf copies of all of the published papers, and a paper volume will be available at extra cost